The Nyadire Connection maintains many ongoing programs, focused on Health, Orphans, and Education and Relationships:
Engineers Without Borders - Carnegie Mellon University Student Chapter
Program leader: Kevin Riley Email: [email protected] Download/print the EWB brochure To make a tax-deductible donation to this program, please click HERE and specify "EWB" if writing a check. Engineers Without Borders is an international organization where professional engineers volunteer to resolve challenging technical problems. Carnegie Mellon University has a student chapter of EWB that began working with TNC in 2013. The students utilize a very specific methodology as prescribed by the national EWB organization that requires an assessment and problem selection phase, a phase of alternative analysis, a phase for design and fundraising, an implementation phase, and a final monitoring phase to ensure the solution is sustainable. The first project completed at Nyadire was the installation of solar street lights that were installed along the pathways leading to the schools. Each light has its own solar panel and battery and provides light without any connection to the country’s electrical grid. Twenty four streets lights were installed at a total cost of about $45,000. The second project was to install a bio-gas generator as an alternative to firewood for cooking high-volume meals at the mission. A pilot cell using cow and pig dung along with food waste to generate methane gas was installed at Nyadire Primary School in 2022 and is now operational. The cost of this project was about $25,000. With both Nyadire community and EWB chapter input, options for a third project are currently being considered. Donations toward project implementations are much appreciated. |